Yesterday marked the month since I was diagnosed with lymphoma, as well as my brothers 21 Birthday!!! I of course got to spend it with Dr. Morganstein and getting blood taken to see what my white blood cell count is. It was late in the afternoon so of course I had not eaten since breakfast. It was late and we were getting ready to leave, I got dizzy and before I knew it, I woke up on the floor with many doctors standing around me. Spending the afternoon in the ER having a CAT scan and still starving! The CAT scan did bring good news, the lymphoma is shrinking! So after a long day I didn't get to go to the mall, but I did get to go home!! Last night however as a result of the low white blood cell count, I did end up getting a fever and I did sleep well last night but Dad kept waking me up for medicine and to take my temperature and if I hear, DRINK MORE WATER, ONE MORE TIME I am going to scream! Today all I did was lay in my bed, and watch television, and get asked what my temperature was! So eventful and SO boring!!
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oh my goodness. eventful and boring for sure! great news that the lymphoma is shrinking though!! hang in there. you are so amazing.