Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Transfusion Day!!

Today I got more of my own cells back.  It started out okay then I got nauseous but I managed and finished the transfusion.  Which also meant I got to sleep a lot and ate very little.  I woke up to find Greg here with artworks from the little cousins!  Tonight I get to watch Glee and the Devils (Glee on the TV, and Devils via Skype from home since the hospital doesnt get sports channels.  I am so close to going home and I can't wait!  About 10 days left! Also, my hair is growing back!! Well thats it really.
biohazard from the chemo/transfusion


1 comment:

  1. This sounds like to toughest part. But you are almost there! And you are almost 20! We are gonna have to have a big celebration at Brant Lake!! :D Love you and thinking of you. Can't wait to see you SOON.
