Thursday, January 26, 2012

Homeward bound! Week 1: COMPLETE

After sleeping later this morning, I got good news that I would probably be able to be home later tonight! That made my mood up for the day, walked around the floor, even finished book number 1, I wonder how many I could read by the end. Any good recommendations? Today a social worker also came in and gave me different things to think about, even suggested making a list of goals of what I could accomplish during this time away from school. I also got my daily massage for the day. Also while I am here, for those of you who know me well know that I hate math, but lately everything has turned into a number game. The number of times I get up, to what I eat and drink, the amount of mail I love getting, to the countless amount of texts I mostly send but also receive. Support has continued and I don't know what this process would be like without it!
Keep reading and commenting!
Book Number 1
List of Things to Accomplish


  1. Dont forget visit my cousin sofi this summer!

  2. ummm and cousin jessie!

    if you look up a book you like on it will give you other book suggestions based on that book. (then you can get the new book from the library or friend or a lovely cousin)
