Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fun times

Things have been nonstop around here.  So much homework and final projects.  Also this Friday is my sorority's formal!  I am so excited to put on my dress and have fun with my date and friends!!!
MAY 11TH please come faster!  Also this past weekend I got to celebrate Jaime's Bat Mitzvah with her, and it was great to be home with people I consider to be family,

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Hi all!
Friday started Greek Week, and Saturday and Sunday I tried to be superwoman playing numerous different sports throughout the body is currently hating me very much right now!!! But as of right now we are DOMINATING!  To top it off, I have a lot of homework, so you know the semester is ending!!!
May 11th please come faster!!!

#1 IN SOCCER!!! Relived my glory days!  

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Good things happening

Hi everyone who still reads this!!!
I am feeling so good!  I feel like things are being pieced together how they should be.  First off, I got accepted into the Social work program at school!  So next May I will finally be graduating with my Bachelor's in Social Work!  Secondly, for my field work placement (aka. unpaid internship), the field director said I could do it at Overlook Hospital; which is where I was treated so fingers crossed all!  I haven't written on here in awhile because I have had so many papers to write that I literally either wake up, eat, go to class and sleep or wake up, eat, do a lot of homework and papers and sleep.  So free time hasn't really been in the cards lately. I can't wait for summer!  I am officially done with school for the semester on May 11th!   Then have more than a month to relax until camp with my babes!!!!! A bunch of my campers from last year are coming back and I am super excited to see them all!!!! They are like family to me, and I can't wait to see my actual family, even though I can only stay at the lake for the weekend Brant Lake 2015 will be our 10 year anniversary of going to the lake!!!

Well thats enough procrastination for this hour, back to HOMEWORK!!

Lots of Love,