Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fighting Cancer

Last night Dad, Mom and I attended the Fighting Children's Cancer Foundation Gala!  It was amazing, all the people that came out to support the cause!  I also met some boys who are seniors in high school who also received the scholarship just like me! Our parents talked about our processes and we just laughed at the parts we didn't remember.  Then when our names were called our mother's started crying.  Needless to say it was a fun night!! Now I am packing up to go back to Ramapo....GOODBYE SPRING BREAK!  But I will be home this weekend for Easter and get to see my cousins :)

Mommy and Me

Daddy and Me

Dressed and Ready to Go

Closeup- did makeup myself

Photo booth at the Gala with Mom and Dad

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fun Day!

Hi All,
So today Mom and I had to go back to the mall because well they forgot to take the security tag off my dress!!! So of course we didn't just do that and leave.  We went downstairs to look for lipstick for Mom and ended up getting makeovers!!!! So of course Dad was a little confused when we came home with not just my dress.  Now I have to wear makeup more often!  On the way home we went to Kings to get food and of course we always end up getting either too much or stuff we already have.
Then did a little work and it was dinner time.  After dinner Mom and I worked on a craft project for my Ramapo BIG :D haha I am excited for her to see it!! After I give it to her, I will no doubt post a picture!  
Oh and for all that are wondering of course there is still time to donate to me for relay!!!
Now too many options on what to watch for TV so its a tv and relaxing kind of night!!!

Makeover :)


I am loving being on spring break!! Sleeping until 10 or later, shopping with Mom, and great food!!!  Oh and of course some arts and crafts!  Mission Accomplished - FINDING A DRESS!!!!!!!!  Relay for Life is 15 Days away, please donate to me if you can!

Here are choices for dresses, the black one and the purple halter are new, the rest were buried in my closet.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Hi everyone!!!
So my worst/least favorite part of school...MIDTERMS WEEK!!! I had my first midterm at 8am and was not a happy camper.  I studied my butt off all weekend and will probably have nothing to show for it!! I just want it to be Friday around 1pm so I'd be on spring break!!!
Yesterday I got a fantastic phone call!  I was awarded the Howard Honigfeld Scholarship for surviving kids with cancer!  YAY! Oh and I also got a date to our sorority formal :D so in all it was a great day yesterday despite all my studying!
Now off to study for exam #2 taking place tomorrow morning, WISH ME LUCK!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Midterms week

Dear Spring Break, you can hurry up anytime now!!!  Hopefully the changing of the clocks will help me out!  I have been studying like a maniac!  I have 1 midterm tomorrow, 1 Tuesday, 1 Thursday and 1 Friday!!!
But since big/little I have been doing work, and the other night we hosted Theta Phi Alpha's Say What Karaoke!  It was Great we did the Opening Act to a song from Pitch Perfect!
Well now Back to studying I guess!  I'll update fully while I'm on break
Oh and if you want or have donated to me for Relay for Life I am so grateful!


SAY WHAT! Love you Danielle

My first friend at Ramapo!  Kari!  I'd be lost w/o you


Did I forget to mention it snowed this week???

Missing some of our Alpha Pi's

ALPHA PI <3 u Danielle


Before opening Act of Say What with Liz! 

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Last night was Big/Little Reveal at Ramapo.  I even got a surprise...A BIG!! I am so excited.  I am also so excited to this year be participating in Relay for Life again, so far I have raised 600$ and would love to raise A LOT more!!!!  I am also so anxious for spring break!  A trip to Grandma's or relaxing is just the thing I need right about now!!! I hope everyone is doing well!  Everyone please donate to me for relay please!!! Ask me how!