Friday, June 29, 2012


Home from Saratoga Springs and I already want to go back!!  I got to see a few cousins, lay by the pool, take pictures, and THAI FOOD!!! While out by the pool, I got a tan/or burn as my neck looks like a tomato.  Also while I was sticking my legs in the water, Greg jumped in and I got a little wet, Greg what part of only my feet can get wet did you not understand??  Annie and I walked down by the water and took some pictures, of each other and together, Dad said they look really good!! Every night, we watched the Olympic Trials, and also talked about Brant Lake which is coming up so so soon!! I cannot wait to see all of my cousins.  Oh and I feel a lot better, my tongue is not as yellow, and food is starting to taste more normal again, thank you medicine!!
By the Lake


Annie and I
Annie and I under the Willow Tree

Monday, June 25, 2012

Inquiring Minds want to know what I'm up too

The weather has been crappy, as have how I've been feeling.  My head still hurts and its frustrating me! We went to visit MSU and iI think I may just defer another semester all together.  The simplest questions I couldn't answer, and the easy things to explain just didn't come out right.  I sleep and read a lot, as well as bug my mother, get on my brothers nerves, and have Dad ask me what I want from dinner from around 8 in the morning until whenever he goes shopping.  Music has also saved me from many hours of boredom during this process.  I am also getting frustrated that the flow of mail has stopped.  So thats basically all I've been up too!
Off to Grandma's in the morning!!!
Recovering Brain Cancer Problems!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Today we got to go to CT and see not only my cousins but my grandparents too!! I also used my new camera.  I wish a day like today could be every day.

Friday, June 15, 2012


The Dr said today pool water may be okay but the lake is off limits!!!  Also no driving :( :(, and that technically its now gone from a 3 month recovery to 6 so I may not be able to go back in the fall!!  But I get to return to Dr. Morganstein :D.  Im mostly pissed off about the driving because now all my friends are having parties and its embarrassing to be 20yrs old and get dropped off and picked up by your Mommy, Daddy, or older brother.  Tonight we went over to the Gallopo's, joined by the Scannella's for some pizza.  Yum!! Lets hope it stays down.  The Really good news is my favorite second grade teacher became a Grandma today, a healthy baby boy who I cannot wait to meet!!
I guess I could go to bed now, Night Everyone.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Eye DR

Today was the day I got to see the 2 men that saved my life, the eye doctors!!!  Just to make sure my prescription hasn't changed with all the chemo and medicine.  Turns out it hasn't, all is good.  They also told me the optic nerve  that was so messed up is back to normal and they didn't see any swelling near my brain!! Amazing what some of these machines could do, and to make this day even better Mom took me to the SPA for lunch and Dad made home-made chinese food for dinner.
Now I am off to bed in hope of more good news down in New Brunswick tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

MRI and blood

How I am getting so tired of MRI'S and blood work.  Oh as well as getting up at 7:30 to get ready to leave.  Then I get home and I still feel crummy so I went to sleep.  Woke up and ate waffles for dinner, now I'm back in bed.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Yesterday after feeling a little down I had my friend Amanda Loftus over, and we laughed so hard at times I then had a stomach ache by the time she left.  Before I knew it,  it was dinner time (pasta again) and then GAME TIME.  The Devils needed to win this game to stay in the running for the cup, and they did just that!!!! So in all it was a good day!
Today consists of relaxing, listening to music and watching TV.  Also with hope that all 3 meals will stay down into my stomach!

Friday, June 8, 2012

No Looking Back

Well bye bye SHU my dreams of you are gone, actually they're still in my head but I guess I'd rather have that dream in my head than cancer or the tumor.  Last night went shopping on Amazon and used my gift cards from Beth and the girls.  Today Mom and I went to Gooserock Farms today to get more honey, talked to Aunt Donna and Aunt Kathy.  Other than that I've been in my room on Facebook and listening to music trying to figure out whats next.  To be honest I'm jealous of my cousins going out on their new boat this weekend, other cousins studying and I'm just kinda stuck here getting better.  They're also getting older tonight's my cousin Annie's 8th Grade Dance, I remember mine!!! 
Going to bed early tonight so I can stay up for some Devil's action tomorrow!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dr's and Relaxation

Tuesday we headed back down to RWJ and more blood work, this time through my port then up to the DR.  Cut back more meds, and next week is more blood work and an MRI.  Hopefully after the MRI they'll tell me its okay to drive again!! Today 6/6 I relaxed and Amanda Fano came over for a few hours and we were talking about prom, and how we wish we could relive some years of school!!  Oh and today mom told me my dreams of going back to Sacred Heart are crushed so there ya go!
Thats all

Monday, June 4, 2012


So after seeing all the beautiful dresses and such Friday, I slept and geared up for Saturday.  Dinner with the Perconti's at the Country Club!!! It was so much fun, Garrett told me the good news that he got into Georgetown, and Olivia told me she'll be sticking around for awhile so I'll have someone to hangout with!! Then Yesterday, the weather was crappy so I stayed in my "cave" and relaxed watching TV until the power went out.  So only choice for dinner was something we could use our gas stove for., therefore I had Pancakes.  Then a few hours later upchucked those.
I just want things to get back to normal!!!!

Love My Perconti's <3 

Olivia and I

Garrett and I

Friday, June 1, 2012


Today I got to see one of my good friends Chelsea Ritschel off to prom!! Then we went to the Dezao's house where I got to see kids in my grade and all the kids dressed for prom.  It really makes me wish I was a senior again!! I got to take pictures with the Ritschels whom for the longest time were like a second family!! But I hope everyone has fun tonight!
Im looking at my scrapbook of senior year and wish I could do it all again!!

Jackie took better pictures but here's one of Chelsea and I

Chelsea and I