Monday, January 2, 2017


Another year has come and gone and quite honestly I wish I kept up with writing on here more, so that's a resolution I have for 2017.


1. I graduated Ramapo with my BSW
2. We moved to Florida
3. Well, in reality, I moved to Boston
4. I started Wheelock College for my MSW

I am also almost at the 5-year mark since my Diagnosis!!!

But what have I been up to????

Well, I finished my second semester at Wheelock with a 3.7 GPA- my highest one yet!

Now I've been in Florida enjoying my winter break!!!

What I hope to accomplish this semester:
1. Finish my thesis
2. Get good grades to finish with cum laude or summa cum laude (i forget which is higher)
3. Find a job
4. Then figure out where I'm living

In the midst of all this getting a boyfriend wouldn't be bad either (any single guys out there- talk to me ;).

Here's a picture of Florida Living

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Sorry I've been enjoying Senior Year a little too much to post!
But here's a long update:

I had a headache but apparently everything's fine my Vitamin D is just very low.

I made Deans List in the Fall Semester and am planning to do the same my final semester..
 Im still interning at the Reeve Foundation, and I still love it

That's it my life is not exciting at all, hair is finally long again, kicking butt in school and getting ready for the real world.

XOXO your favorite Survivor

Thursday, October 8, 2015


So finally after a long summer with my campers; and a scare of having repeated headaches; iM OFFICIALLY IN MY SENIOR YEAR OF COLLEGE!!   I am taking 2 classes and have now been interning for about a month now!! I intern at the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, or as I like to say I work for SUPERMAN!  I love the job, the only part I hate is the commute!  The nights I stay home it takes me about 25 minutes to get there without traffic and from school 45 minutes; at least getting there, coming home is a completely different story!  But it's crazy to see how much social work is impacted at the agency when most of the workers aren't "designated social workers!"  The best part is they actually let me do a lot of the foot work which makes me feel like I am completely part of the team!!  Also my roommates for the year are awesome!  We actually get along and have fun when we're not studying or I'm not home for interning!  Every week when I do go home however, Greg's always like you're home again!  Also, my Dad's cousin Elaine is AWESOME and got us tickets to the YANKEE game, the one where they made it to the playoffs, it was fun except for the pouring rain!
Now I know what you are all thinking...Does she finally have a boyfriend at 23?  The answer is no, and the main reason is that I'm barely around!  But if I do say so myself I have been trying harder to not look like a complete bum going to class and rock the outfits I wear to Interning!
The hardest part of being back in the mode of school is missing my cousins!  Now that we all have different schedules; whether we're working, in college or other school grades, no one ever has time to just catch up and talk (Unless you're Rachel and Sofi who have the pleasure of going to school together!)  Hopefully over winter break we can all see each other!!


Getting rained on at the Yankee Game 

Work <3 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fun times

Things have been nonstop around here.  So much homework and final projects.  Also this Friday is my sorority's formal!  I am so excited to put on my dress and have fun with my date and friends!!!
MAY 11TH please come faster!  Also this past weekend I got to celebrate Jaime's Bat Mitzvah with her, and it was great to be home with people I consider to be family,

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Hi all!
Friday started Greek Week, and Saturday and Sunday I tried to be superwoman playing numerous different sports throughout the body is currently hating me very much right now!!! But as of right now we are DOMINATING!  To top it off, I have a lot of homework, so you know the semester is ending!!!
May 11th please come faster!!!

#1 IN SOCCER!!! Relived my glory days!  

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Good things happening

Hi everyone who still reads this!!!
I am feeling so good!  I feel like things are being pieced together how they should be.  First off, I got accepted into the Social work program at school!  So next May I will finally be graduating with my Bachelor's in Social Work!  Secondly, for my field work placement (aka. unpaid internship), the field director said I could do it at Overlook Hospital; which is where I was treated so fingers crossed all!  I haven't written on here in awhile because I have had so many papers to write that I literally either wake up, eat, go to class and sleep or wake up, eat, do a lot of homework and papers and sleep.  So free time hasn't really been in the cards lately. I can't wait for summer!  I am officially done with school for the semester on May 11th!   Then have more than a month to relax until camp with my babes!!!!! A bunch of my campers from last year are coming back and I am super excited to see them all!!!! They are like family to me, and I can't wait to see my actual family, even though I can only stay at the lake for the weekend Brant Lake 2015 will be our 10 year anniversary of going to the lake!!!

Well thats enough procrastination for this hour, back to HOMEWORK!!

Lots of Love,

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


I can't believe that in just 2 days, it will be RELAY FOR LIFE!  I will be speaking as the survivor speaker again!  It is such an honor and I love being able to tell my story to other college kids.  Especially because I never thought I would get cancer and it happened to me!

If anyone still reads this and would like to donate here's the link to my page, any amount goes a long way! 

Hope everyone's doing well! 